
Welcome to the The Greens at McGregor Links website - the place for the most current and complete information about our neighborhood.  We believe our community is a warm and inviting place to live with an easy lifestyle.  Please review our website and learn more of why “The Greens” is the place to live in the Saratoga area.  If you have questions beyond what you find on our webpage, we encourage you to “contact us” or call our management company at the number listed at the top of the page. 
All of the tabs are viewable by the general public except for the Members tab.  This area is password protected and viewable by association members only.
                                        Thank you for interest in our community.
Property Manager's Bulletin Board


Be sure to contact your irrigation provider to get your system winterized.

Check exterior lamp post lights. If your light is on 24/7, the photo-eye may need to be replaced. 

Be mindful when out walking, bring a light so you are seen by vehicles. 

Remember to advise all friends and family to adhere to a 20 MPH SPEED LIMIT  and  "Keep It On The Pavement"  --  NO PARKING ON ANY TURF AREAS. 

The new monthly HOA fee for 2025 will be $295

Any issues with Grinder Pumps - Alarm or Light on, please call Michael Bushee @ 518-857-8545. 


Upcoming Events
No Events at this time.